Amanda Taylor

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Parking meeting for Hills Road area

by admin on 15 January, 2016

Parking surveysLast year, I ran a survey on parking in the streets between St John’s Church and The Marque on Hills Road, an area generating constant complaints about parking. There was a huge response, and it has taken me some time to collate and analyse the results.

Overall, there is a clear majority for parking controls, which could include a residents’ parking scheme. I have passed the survey results to Cambridgeshire County Council, who will analyse the responses and conduct a feasibility study before consulting formally on proposals for the area.

I have arranged an information meeting for residents of these streets, to find out how residents’ parking schemes operate . We’ll have the County Council Parking Manager there to field questions.

7.30pm, St John’s Church, Hills Road, Monday 8th February


For residents in the streets bordered by Blinco Grove, Cherry Hinton Road and Hills Road.

Here are the questions that came up most frequently in the survey:


Q: What are the costs of residents’ parking?
A: Residents’ parking schemes are self-funding, ie they are costed to pay for themselves. At present, participating in a residents’ parking scheme costs from £1 a week for a 9-5 Monday-Friday scheme (extra for more hours or including a weekend). The costs are under review so may change.

Q: What about visitors?
A: Residents are able to make an application for up to 12 visitor permits, which can be used for up to five visits; there is at present no limit to the number of applications. Anyone who has a permanent address within a given scheme (evidence is required such as driving licence or current utility bill ) can apply for visitor permits for their guests.

Businesses can apply for permits for up to three vehicles.

Q: What happens if I have carers or medical visitors who need to park?
A: There is a free medical permit scheme for people who need visits from relatives or health professionals. Your doctor will need to assess your infirmity or lack of mobility and provide an estimate of the number and frequency of official visits required. There are dispensations for medical professinals who attend emergencies or who carry special equipment.

Q: How would the library cope if there was a residents’ scheme?
A: It would be possible to include short-stay bays for the library or other community facilities as part of a scheme.

Q: Does a residents’ parking scheme guarantee a space?
A: It does not guarantee a space, but it makes securing a space much more likely.

Q: To whom should I report illegal parking?
A: Ring the County Council’s Civil Enforcement team on 01223 727 900. For dangerous parking, eg obstruction, parking on school zig-zags, or in bus lanes and cycle lanes, contact the police on 101.

For more information including application forms for permits, see


4 Responses

  1. Sue Taylor says:

    Please do not consider putting double yellow lines in Marshall Road. The present voluntary system of parking on the pavements works well and means that all the residents can find spaces at night. Clearly during the day, there is a huge parking issue and maybe then there is a case for residents’ parking but NOT in conjunction with double yellow lines which will simply push the problem onto all the surrounding roads causing chaos.

  2. CAROL WOOD says:

    What about Holbrook Road parking !!!!! drives me insane every time I leave my drive way. What happened to all of the plans and possible solutions I viewed at Trumpington village hall several years ago. I AM SICK OF BEING AN ADDENBROOKE’S CAR PARK ANS A HOMERTON DROP OFF AND PICK UP POINT

  3. […] be a residents’ parking scheme, as found in several other parts of the city (see footnote); an informal survey of these roads by our local councillors found considerable support for the idea and an even larger desire to find out more. So on 8 […]

  4. […] followed my survey to establish in principle support for residents’ parking, and after a public meeting and display at the […]

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