Amanda Taylor

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Commenting on the Cambridge Local Plan

by admin on 17 February, 2013

There are just a few days left to comment on the Cambridge Local Plan review, if you haven’t already. It is important for this area, as there are proposals to release land near Wort’s Causeway for housing – over 500 housing units between two sites shown on the map here.

Hundreds of people have commented, expressing concerns about the impact on the infrastructure that so many new houses would have. Building there would have a major impact on traffic movements, and could also compromise the viability of the Park & Ride service, affecting transport beyond the local area.

Many would miss the green space, and resist the encroachment of more building on what is now countryside. Building here would spoil a lovely approach to the Gogs and the Roman Road, and there would be implications for biodiversity, as there are many ancient hedges in the area that would be lost.

You have until 5pm on Tuesday to comment, on the Wort’s Causeway proposals or any other aspects of the Local Plan Review. One interesting idea is a community sports stadium – do we need one? Where should it go?

Some sites have already been identified by the City Council as unsuitable, eg CC911, land between Babraham Road and Fulbourn Road. It would strengthen the Council’s hand to have residents’ views on that site too, as developers have been pressurizing them to take this area of land out of the green belt too. So far there has been little comment, unless there is a pile awaiting approval of course.

It was easier than I thought it would be to comment on line. There is a document for each separate proposal; most comments are under 100 words. Do have a look and have your say.

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