Amanda Taylor

News and views about Cambridge and Cambridgeshire politics, especially Queen Edith's Learn more

Parking survey in the Morley area

by admin on 1 November, 2015

Working witMarshall Roadh residents, I am surveying the streets in the north of Queen Edith’s on parking problems.

The streets suffer from a daily influx of visitors: students, office workers, shoppers, Leisure Centre visitors – and even hospital staff. This severely limits the parking spaces for  local people, and there has also been dangerous parking, cars on the pavement, blocked drives, damage and petty crime.

Parking is a problem throughout Queen Edith’s, but it makes life particularly difficult in the older housing opposite the sixth form college and Homerton, as many of the houses have no drives.

Parking controls for some streets in the area have been agreed twice, in 2004 and 2009, but then not implemented by the County Council due to policy changes.

Residents ran a petition to Hills Road VI Form College earlier this year asking them to stop their students from parking in residential streets. I am working with some of the residents and with County Council officers  charged with addressing parking issues in Cambridge. Following a meeting and a walkabout with the officers, we are now gauging the support for parking controls – which could include a residents’ parking scheme*. If you live between Blinco Grove and Rathmore Road, you should receive a survey through your letterbox soon.

*For more information on how residents’ parking schemes work, including permits for visitors and medical professionals, see


8 Responses

  1. Rachel Calder says:

    Hi – my parents (on Rock Road) got a copy of the questionnaire but we haven’t. We are on Hartington Grove, is the questionnaire due to be circulated to us? I am very keen to express a view!


  2. Emma says:

    Hi, we’re at the cherry Hinton road end of Hartington Grove and haven’t had the survey, will we get them through? Parking this end is terrible too. Thanks.

  3. […] year, I ran a survey on parking in the streets between St John’s Church and The Marque, an area generating a high level of […]

  4. […] year, I ran an informal survey on parking in the north-west corner of Queen Edith’s — the streets opposite the colleges on Hills Road. Residents there experience heavy commuter […]

    • Caroline says:

      We are on Blinco and also have not received anything! However, I am totally opposed to the introduction of resident parking schemes!

      • Hallo Caroline. There have been two surveys: my own councillor survey in November-December 2015, and a council one at the end of last year. In each case, all the houses in Blinco Grove had a hand-delivered survey, as well as separate communications from me. What number Blinco Grove are you, and were you living there at the time the surveys were done? Apologies if we know one another but I can’t tell from your email address.

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