Amanda Taylor

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Make it a double please, say Sedley Taylor Road

by admin on 20 March, 2011

Yellow line

Sedley Taylor Road and neighbouring Luard Road has had a traffic calming scheme for a year and a half, and it has dramatically reduced rat-running and speeding which used to be a constant problem. Yellow lines reduce parking too.

However, parking is still a problem on Saturdays. Like the apple a day keeping the doctor away, the yellow lines keep hospital and college commuters away Monday to Friday, but on Saturday, builders park in the street, often blocking drives or parking so as to make it awkward for people to get out of their drives.

I have taken advice from the County Council Highways Department and am advised that the yellow lines could be changed to ban parking from Monday to Saturday. New signs would cost a few hundred pounds; advertising the change in the local paper, as the law requires, would cost about £1,000.

Worth it? Let me know.


2 Responses

  1. philip & polly holme says:

    HI. we support the extension of parking restrictions , and would also favour Sunday, as this is becoming an increasing problem.
    cheers philip & polly

  2. Marcus Johnson says:

    Yesterday, Saturday, at 10.00 am there was 1 van parked in the entire road and no cars, today at 9.00 there are 4 cars, all of which are I am pretty sure residents.

    I have sent you the photo’s of yesterday just to prove the point that you are somewhat misinformed. Can I suggest a trip down Luard Road at a weekend might have been a good idea before you wrote your letter?

    There are problems with parking during the week but this is at least partly due to the imposition of greatly enlarged no parking areas at the time that the elaborate and costly speed bumps were put in last year which has made it much harder for everyone to park.

    As the most succesful way of reducing traffic speeds we ever had was when parking was allowed on both sides of the road, narrowing the through passage to a single stream, the imposition of extra single yellow lines has achieved the exact opposite of what was intended by putting in the speed bumps. The only beneficiaries have been the garages of Cambridge who have more shock absorbers to replace and more petrol sales.

    Please no more “improvements”.

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