Amanda Taylor

News and views about Cambridge and Cambridgeshire politics, especially Queen Edith's Learn more

Library review, new recycling services and planning applications – Queen Edith Chapel this Thursday

by admin on 15 May, 2011

Cambridgeshire library managers will be visiting the South Area meeting at the Queen Edith Chapel in Wulfstan Way this Wednesday. They’ll be doing a presentation on the Conservative administration’s library review and seeking the views of the public on the planned changes as well as ideas on the library service and its future viability. The Conservative councillor in charge of the library service has been invited but at this stage we are not certain if he is intending to come. As many local people will know, our own branch library, Rock Road Library, is under threat of closure or downgrade, so please come and speak up.

There’ll also be a presentation on the City Council’s new recycling services (batteries, other plastics, small electrical goods) as described in my previous post ‘Cambridge recycling just gets better and better‘.

and three planning applications:

65 Cavendish Avenue (11/0262/FUL)

37 Monkswell (11/0242FUL)

1 Mowbray Road (11/0535FUL)

You can read the full agenda here:

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