Amanda Taylor

News and views about Cambridge and Cambridgeshire politics, especially Queen Edith's Learn more

Archive for the ‘Transport’ Category

Dear Cllr Taylor, Apologies for the delay in getting this display up and running. Our
contractor’s engineers did inspect the site almost immediately. It was found that there
was a power failure to the shelter, which has burnt the main fuse to both the shelter and
the display. Because this is not part of the display’s circuitry, our contractors were
neither able nor authorized to replace the fuse. I have since then been in contact with
the Street Lighting team at the council, who as well is not responsible for power to
shelters, and we have sourced a certified electrician to do the job. I am expecting that
they will visit the shelter sometime next week, and let me know what the outcome is.
Hopefully this should be sorted out next week, but if there are any further delays, I will
let you know.

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Wulfstan Way to slow down

by admin on 30 September, 2009

Speeding traffic causes countless road accidents and makes the roads a hostile environment for bikes and pedestrians. So it’s good news that the County Council has changed its policy to allow 20mph speed limits in Cambridgeshire. City and county councillors have approved Wulfstan Way as the area to run a trial 20mph zone, on account […]

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Hills Road Bridge cycle lanes

by admin on 17 September, 2009

Now that the cycle lanes have been in place for a week, I’d be interested to know what people think of them. Although the general reactive is very positive, I have had a few comments to the effect cyclists feel at risk once they are over the crown of the bridge and having enjoyed the […]

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Cambridgeshire County Council has just announced two bits of news: 1. that the roadworks for the Guided Bus will finish on Sunday – good news even though it is six months late 2. that they will immediately start a 4-month trial of segregating cyclists and motor traffic by putting them in separate lanes on the […]

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